Api guide
RemoteJvmOptionsSpecification of JVM instance. Includes
- List of files to be distributed to JVM working directory
- Environment variables
- Classpath
- Main class name
- JVM options
- Maximum heap size
- Arguments for application itself
- Context specific options
The only required property is main class. Everything else is up to you. For building specification use a fluent builder.
FilesTo start your java application you almost always need to distribute some files. At least your application artifacts.
describes file you want to be available on remote machine.
Each entry is described by file source, remote filename and mode.
Remote JVM instances MUST not delete or modify distributed files.
is a common interface for accessing files from the local machine. It may be local file, classpath resource
or anything you want.
When implementing your own file source consider implement CacheableFileSource
marker annotation.
For better portability remote file names should be portable according to POSIX.1-2017
and the last character should not be .
(period). I.e. permitted characters are:
- English uppercase and lowercase letters
- Digits from 0 to 9
- Period
- Underscore
- Hyphen-minus
Finally, there are two modes:
- Copy just copies provided file source to remote JVM's working directory.
- Unzip unarchives provided file into directory.
Environment variables.Sure you can set environment variables for remote JVM. Once again for better portability only uppercase english letters and underscore are permitted as variable names.
Please avoid special characters in variable names.
Maximum heap sizeDetermines the Xmx parameter for your JVM instance.
Remote process.Small abstraction representing JVM instance. It's interface if fairly simple
and inspired by java.lang.Process
in Java 9.
Briareus context.Core part responsible for starting JVM instances.
Just pass JVM spec and the magic begins ๐